The destiny of the Russian philosophy and modernity. Transformations of values and transformation of models. Part I


  • Владимир Юрьевич Быстров St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Владимир Михайлович Камнев St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



New historical and philosophical approach to a solution to the problem of continuity in the development of the Russian philosophy is presented in the article. The phenomenon of the Russian philosophy is exposed as a dispozitiv - as a peculiar combination of the diverse elements connected with each other only in the external way. The Russian pre-revolutionary philosophy, the Soviet philosophy, and Post-Soviet philosophy represent only qualitatively peculiar forms of the same phenomenon or stages of its development. The historian of philosophy who considers the Russian philosophy as a dispozitiv needs to disclose, first, internal heterogeneity of the Russian philosophy, i.e. to present it as a dispozitiv, and secondly, to define basic elements, components this dispozitiv and to track in what measure they remain at these three stages. We allocate three such elements, proceeding from the fact that concerningthe first element there is the standard recognition that it is an element which is called “the Russian idea”. The second element is characterized by the specific relation to metaphysics. The third element of that dispozitiv represents an understanding of the situation of choice between knowledge and belief, science and religion. Further, these elements of the dispozitiv of the Russian philosophy will be given more detailed characteristic. The historian of philosophy in his work quite often cannot get rid of the hypnotic impact of the natural process of transformation of values that characterizes the studied phenomenon and remains at the level of the description. This approach allows historian of philosophy to overcome superficial and unilateral approaches and to see internal constancy of the phenomenon of the Russian philosophy that remains invariable.


Russian philosophy, historian of philosophy, dispozitiv, method, reason


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How to Cite

Быстров, В. Ю., & Камнев, В. М. (2018). The destiny of the Russian philosophy and modernity. Transformations of values and transformation of models. Part I. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 34(3), 333–347.

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