Three-component model of controlling the negotiating process: Theoretical rationale of application practices


  • Александр Дмитриевич Карпенко St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Александр Иванович Стребков St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Андрей Викторович Алейников St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation, first applied in the negotiation and mediatory practice by the St. Petersburg School of Negotiation and Mediation, the three-component control system of the negotiation process, its connections with other important negotiating components and Russian features. A modern feature of Russian negotiations is the predominance of “tactical” thinking associated with short-term planning due to high uncertainty and permanently changing legislation. As a rule, the result of negotiations is the achievement of goals and the conclusion of an agreement, which, in fact, are based on unconsciousness of the conflict participant’s goals and the fulfillment of the agreement. Simplification of the negotiation process in practice is due to its high complexity and variability. The analysis carried out by the authors indicates the need for structuring the negotiating process and overcoming these two problems. Structuring requires changing approaches to the negotiation process and the introduction of management in it. The article proposes the definition of a place of negotiations management in the logical sequence of their deployment from the intent of negotiations to results: interests - motivation - goals - strategy - tactics of negotiations specified. The conceptual meaning of the main terms used in the definition of negotiations is specified. Their interdependence is revealed as the negotiation process develops. It is noted that the management of negotiations arises after the formation of the strategy. The definition of the negotiations management is given. As a necessary clarification of the negotiation theory, a model of 3-component negotiation management is formulated. It includes organization of processes from 3 components: management of communication, content management, and negotiation procedure management and is disclosed in the structure of the negotiation process in the form of its stages. For each stage are selected constructs of control as objects of control. Management objects in real negotiations are disclosed by the subjects of management in each negotiating stage. The introduction of management in the negotiation process is of great practical importance. It allows streamlining and structuring the negotiation process. Especially, this is important for business negotiations due to the involvement of large resources in them and the complexity of their conduct.


negotiation process, negotiation stages, management, interests, goals, motivation, strategy, negotiating tactics, 3-component management model, ommunication management process, content management process, process control of procedure, management objects, control items


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How to Cite

Карпенко, А. Д., Стребков, А. И., & Алейников, А. В. (2018). Three-component model of controlling the negotiating process: Theoretical rationale of application practices. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 34(3), 414–428.

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