Stalin modernization as a historical experience


  • Сергей Иванович Дудник St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



In this article we consider the third attempt of modernizing Russia, or Stalin modernization. Along with previous attempts, Stalin modernization had the character of a “revolution from above”. As it defined the creation of a society of socialism, the critical evaluation of the historical experience of Stalin modernization, including all its negative and positive aspects, is very important for modern studies of man and society. In the end, the existing evaluations of Stalin modernization depend on the relationship to the Soviet experience of creating a socialist society in the USSR. The first characteristic feature of Stalin modernization is the fact that, along with previous modernization attempts, it was “overtaking modernization”. The fact that all attempts of modernization in Russia were kinds of “revolution from above” predetermined the inverse sequence of transformations: initiatives of the ruling class were not the answer to the needs of civil society; on the contrary, these initiatives were directed towards regulating the development of civil society and its requirements. Marxist rhetoric, which served as ideological support for Stalin modernization, should not mislead when Stalin transformations are presented as unique, not having analogs in the history. Stalin modernization was strongly connected with preparation for war, and if this preparation concealed the ultimate goals of transformation (“creation of socialism in a separately taken country” in Marxist terminology), then at that time it was quite justified, as there was a possibility of the disappearance of both the subject and object of modernization. Incomplete Stalin modernization led to the death of the political system which it had also created, and to the death of the state which was given rise to by the requirements of modernization. 


modernization, Stalinism, revolution from above, industrialization, USSR


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How to Cite

Дудник, С. И. (2019). Stalin modernization as a historical experience. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 35(3), 394–405.

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