
  • Анатолий Сергеевич Колесников St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Crisis of university and its refl ection in mass actions of students and teachers worldwide has highlighted
a problem of the humanities. Natural and medical sciences are privileged over art, humanitarian
and social studies. Current crisis has thoroughly destabilized trades of university teachers and
researchers, calling into question their position in sphere public and the humanities. Reasoning on
«death of philosophy» has renewed. In addition to external infl uences, such as globalization and
politicization of higher education, infl uence of techno science and new media, university has been
destroyed by internal organizing initiatives — bureaucratization and deprofessionalization. All these
factors have caused us to reconsider the relation to university and formation reforms. Th e university
has become a corporation engaged in granting of educational services. In this case the humanitarian
role of university wears thinner and thinner (Derrida). However, to be true to its calling and essence,
the university should remain a place of critical resistance to all destructive and unfair charges. Th e
university privilege is to rescue the humanities which concept is necessary for expanding and reconsidering.
Th e new concept of the humanities should include law, legal research, “theory” (an original
articulation of the literary theory, philosophy, linguistics, psychoanalysis, etc.) and methods of their
subsequent perfection. Refs. 6.


University crisis, market cost of education, ranging of universities, corporativism in education, Derrida, new understanding of the humanities


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Koniordos S. Greek Universities in Permanent Crisis. Universities in Crisis. Blog of the International Sociological Association (ISA). Available at: (accessed: 21. 05. 2015).

Richter R. Austrian Universities in Crisis: Traditions Lost Possibilities Gained. Universities in Crisis. Blog of the International Sociological Association (ISA). Available at: universities-in-crisis/?p=754 more-754 (accessed: 21. 05. 2015).

Achwan R. Th e Indonesian University: Living with Liberalization and Democratization. Universities in Crisis. Blog of the International Sociological Association (ISA). Available at: universities-in-crisis/?p=767 (accessed: 21. 05. 2015).

Hanafi S. Universities in the Arab East: A Crisis of Privatization and Internationalization. Universities in Crisis. Blog of the International Sociological Association (ISA). Available at: universities-in-crisis/?p=388 (accessed: 21. 05. 2015).

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How to Cite

Колесников, А. С. (2018). HUMANITIES AND THE UNIVERSITY OF THE POSTMODERN ERA. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 31(4), 41–47. Retrieved from